Campbellsville University Invites Public to Submit Items for Centennial Time Capsule

By Joan C. McKinney | 01/18/2007

By Joan C. McKinney, director of university communications

CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. - Do you want to be a part of history? Campbellsville University is

offering the community an opportunity to contribute items for a Centennial Time Capsule which will be opened in 100 years.

The time capsule, which will be buried in a special ceremony Wednesday, March 7 at 10 a.m., will be placed in the ground in front of the new Ransdell Chapel on campus. It will be opened 100 years from now.

Dr. John Hurtgen, dean of the School of Theology at Campbellsville University, is serving as chair of the committee working to get the time capsule items placed in a regular size vault.

“We think this idea, which really originated from CU's students, will offer the community an opportunity to be creative in providing us with items they think will be meaningful for those people involved with Campbellsville University 100 years from now,” said Hurtgen.

“We invite organizations, clubs and individuals in the Campbellsville area to provide us with items for the time capsule,” he said.

Items such as photographs, programs from your event, books, letters, apparel, etc., will be accepted. For an item submission form to accompany your submission, call Betty Hatfield at (270) 789-5029 or e-mail her at

For example, Campbellsville Baptist Church may contribute a recent program from their church services while Green River Cinema 6 could donate a recent movie poster, he said.

Items must be submitted to Dr. John Hurtgen, Druien Hall, Room 5, no later than Wednesday, Feb. 28. You may send items to him at Dr. John Hurtgen, Campbellsville University, 1 University Drive, UPO 868, Campbellsville, Ky. 42718.

“Please consider taking part in this historic event,” said Hurtgen. “This time capsule is scheduled to be opened in 100 years. Let's work together and send the Campbellsville University family of 2107 a very special gift.”

Andrew Ward, director of student activities and intramurals at Campbellsville University, is involved with student participation in the time capsule project, and any questions may be submitted to him at (270) 789-5161.

Campbellsville University, now celebrating her Centennial year, is a private, comprehensive institution located in South Central Kentucky. Founded in 1906, Campbellsville University is affiliated with the Kentucky Baptist Convention and has an enrollment of 2,310 students who represent 100 Kentucky counties, 32 states and 28 foreign nations. Listed in U.S. News & World Report's “America's Best Colleges” 14 consecutive years as one of the leading Southern master's colleges and universities, Campbellsville University is located 82 miles southwest of Lexington, Ky., and 80 miles southeast of Louisville, Ky. Dr. Michael V. Carter is in his eighth year as president.